Works Online
For an extensive webliography, see Pierre Perroud, Athena
rousseauonline.ch. The Collection complète des œuvres, published from 1780-1789, is the major posthumous edition of Rousseau’s work and includes the first publication of Les Confessions, Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire and Les Dialogues (Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques).
Les Classiques des Sciences sociales (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi)
Home page for Jean-Jacques Rousseau here
Other Websites:
Confessions (Wikisource: for a full list of Wikisource Rousseau texts in English, see this page)
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
The Creed of a Savoyard Priest (from Emile)
The Rousseau Studies site offers a vast worldwide bibliography of publications about Rousseau, the Bibliographie mondiale des études relatives à Rousseau.